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2005-01-26 - 8:11 a.m.

I will die a grizzly death.

How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test

Does this come as a surprise to anyone? I am, after all, the daughter of Caveman, the Buffalo Thief.

In related news:

Caveman keeps a few live traps back at the old homestead in Montanyland. Their general purpose is to catch cats. Cats that kill his precious birds. *Side note* For all you cat lovers out there that are squealing at the thought of this, these are not your average domesticated cats, even though they might look like it....from 50 yards. These are not barn cats. These are cats in their original pre-domestication state. And they�re mean. *End side note* Usually when something crawls into his lair, he�ll take them to town or far away from his place and let them go. He just wants them away from his little wildlife sanctuary. Every so often, some other wayward animal will find it�s way in there, and it usually meets the same fate. A trip to town. This time was a little different.

A squirrel stepped into the trenches. While not an uncommon event, his fate was. One of Caveman�s buddies owns the local IGA (it�s the grocery store for those that don�t live in BFE). Caveman spots his buddy�s truck at the store on his way into town and gets an idea. Caveman pulls into the parking lot and proceeds to release the squirrel. In the cab of buddy�s truck. Caveman giggles as he pictures buddy�s face when he returns to his truck at the end of a long day only to find a raging squirrel somewhat akin to the rabbit in Monty Python.

What Caveman didn�t know was that buddy was out of town for the week. His wife was driving his truck. She was NOT pleased. At the time of this posting, neither of them know who did this (even though it was over 2 weeks ago). Caveman is temporarily shopping elsewhere. An hour from home.

Never wonder where my brother and I get it. It�s hereditary. Some day DNA specialists will be able to prove this.

In other related news:

When Caveman decided to get his sister a cat for Christmas, as hers had recently passed away, he and my mom headed to the big city to shop the pet store. Caveman decided it was best if he waited in the car, while mom picked out a cat. He was afraid someone would see him buying one and call PETA....

Update regarding the
Jonny Lang
concert I went to in Aspen on Monday to come soon.

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